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Thank you for visiting the America Out of Debt Initiative, Inc. website!

We are a new organization that has been working on a concept for a few years to be sure to do justice a project to help all Americans. Our plan goes in stages that will increase the range of assistance first and then expand the amount of assistance into more categories benefitting everyone even more.

Stage one is the construction and acquisition of low cost housing and adding solar and/or wind to reduce energy costs, collecting information and verifying, then will post on the website listings of assistance programs and their requirements and contact information and the website will have based on your personality plans to try to get your debt under control. This is just the beginning!

Our Mission

Our goal as an organization is to lower the cost of living directly or indirectly for everyone. This will in turn allow people to worry less on how they will survive, but also to have extra to save, purchase items they want, services they need, and to get and remain out of debt. So invest in your future, today!

Stage One

The first step now is getting the word out. We need donations and volunteers to help spread the word about us. Getting the funding to build/acquire places to set up a few Crossroads Centers and get a few low cost apartment complexes and get solar panels attached to them.

Current States able to receive donations from:
AZ, DE, IA, ID, IN, LA, MT, NE, SD, TX, VT, WI and WY

We will have all 50 States and D.C. registered. If your state is not on the list and wish to make a donation, email us and we can prioritize registering that state.

Gifts for eligible donations.

Upon login, donations accepted from eligible states through:

We earned Bronze Seal of Transparency in 2021 and in 2023 Silver Seal of Transparency! Learn more about our organization’s impact through our #NonprofitProfile on @CandidDotOrg: